Sunday, November 30, 2008


Bailey is a 5 1/2 year old yellow lab who was in a foster home for a couple of weeks (her previous owner could no longer take care of her). We went and met her and made arrangements to bring her home on Tuesday. She went to the vet on Wednesday, got current with her shots and tests and now she is ruling the roost. Lady has been gone for about 6 months now and it's good to have a dog back in the house. Bailey is well mannered, housebroken, kind, gentle and a great cuddling dog!

off to get polar pops!

sending greetings to elliott in iraq


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Campus Visits!

In October and November we traveled to 3 college campuses: IU, Franklin and Ball State. We'll know more after the FAFSA can be filed in January.

Bookstore @ Ball State
(Muncie - home to Jim Davis, creator of Garfield)

Soccer Field at Franklin College with coaches

Franklin College

Commons at IU Bloomington